Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thanks for the MP3 player BUT........

Hello Everyone!!!

My friend Sue and family gave me an MP3 player for Christmas on Sunday. She was gone to the UK (which is where she is originally from) on Christmas so we finally got together on Sunday to have our holiday together (sorry again.... no camera...grrrr-that is so not me at all!!). Anywho, I have been wanting an MP3 player since I started at Lloyd Flanders because I have a hard time getting a radio station to tune in on the radio at my machine. So I came home and immediately wanted Greg to get the music on his computer and put it on my new toy...... well he yapped about needing sleep and going to work 3rd shift at Waupaca and not having time for Mom but promising to do it first thing Monday morning. OK. So I waited and like a good boy he brought his music out and I put some awesome tunes on my new player..... I was excited..... I was gonna listen to Kenny Chesney all night and I was gonna love it........ So I got to work and sat down and got my tunes going and I am just a singing away when I hear "Cindi, whats that in your ear?" It was our fearless leader, Dan. I happily showed off my new gift and said "its an MP3 player" with a huge smile on my face.... I was so proud. Then Dan said "oh NO NO NO, not in here"...... obviously we cant have our hearing obstructed at work :( So its back to the scratchy radio that plays High School basketball games everynight and I dont even like basketball!! Its not just on 1 of our local channels either its on 2 of 3 therefore, I have to pray hard that the last station will be nice and actually tune in for me in that old cement building....

I really do love my new job though :) I will post some pics tomorrow related to Lloyd Flanders!!



Anonymous said...

Nice blog...why don't you get a set of external speakers. You can plug your new player into that and then listen to the music you want.
Problem solved....I do this and it works great!

Say hi to your hubby!

Love ya,

Sudie said...

Hiya Cindi, I have been remiss at keeping up with your family blog, but I plan to correct that! I so so sorry to hear about your kitty, and I wish I could have met her. I hope someday to meet you and your family in person!! You have a great day and I'll see ya in pogo or yahoo sometime soon!! Luv Ya, Sudie & Arianna