Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow Day!!!

I just wanted to show you what Jared Olson thinks hes gonna do all day now that Mother Nature gave him a 3 day weekend...... Well I have news for him. I will post pics later or tomorrow of what I have planned for him and he wont be horizontal when he does it let me tell you!!
I am sooooo sick of snow. Its not even pretty anymore. I see Greg is already gone snowmobiling. He just got done working at 5:30 this morning and was gone before Dave and I got up at 6:45 am. Waupaca is working this weekend which means Dave and Greg are working and boy is Greg gonna be tired -- playing all day..... working all night.......NO SLEEP!! Mom doesnt like it when he does that....... I know he's young but he's still my baby.
Mouse Slayer (Dave, my hero) got another one. Thats 2 for Mouse Slayer and 0, Zilch, Nada, Zippo for the TWO cats that rule this house....... Whats wrong with this picture? My friend Penny suggests we stop feeding them, that way they will get the mouse. Thats not gonna happen of course because those 2 little girls RULE THIS HOUSE!! I hope the 2 Slayer got already are the end of them. I refuse to be in that bedroom without him protecting me..... EWWWEEE Gross!!!
I am going to try to participate in an online scrapbooking crop this weekend. It that actually happens, I will post pics next week.
Have a great day!!
Cindi and family

1 comment:

AnneMarie said...

so glad you came by our crop at

we had a blast and I can't wait to see your creations!