Friday, January 25, 2008

Our Family Is In Mourning!!

Hello Everyone

We have experienced a great loss in the Olson household. Our beloved feline favorite, Azia Mae Olson passed away on Thursday January 24, 2008 in the loving arms of her biggest fan, Dave. He was taking her to the vet for an after hours emergency consultation (Kate was driving, Mom was working) and she died on the way there. We suspect her humongous beautiful heart finally gave out. Not only was she the MOST GORGEOUS CAT EVER, but she was the sweetest. Anyone could do anything to her and she would just take it. She would never ever even consider hissing or nipping at anyone. She was precious. She was totally responsible for getting me over my feline phobia. I was never a cat person until Azia came into our lives. She was 5 years old when we adopted her from the Hiltons and we had her for about 9 years. I guess that makes her about 13 or 14 now. We were previously told by the vet that she had heart issues and we have unfortunately seen her health slowly deteriorating over the past few years. But she didnt seem sick enough to go yet. We will all surely miss her!!


The Olson and Block family

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow AGAIN!!

Hello Everyone

Can you believe it snowed again last night? Did I mention how tired I am of snow? This winter surely reminds Dave and I of winters when we were young. The happy snowmobilers (every member of our family but ME!! Including Kate) are loving all the snow. I try to play along but its depressing. LOL

Well I know I promised to post pics of Jared doing something besides playing video games on friday (his snow day) but......


Just kidding. He just didnt do the shoveling like I had planned. He went to his friend Spencers house and we didnt see him again until Saturday afternoon. But next time.....

My fearless Mouse Slayer has caught 2 mice. Good job Honey!! Keep up the good work! I hope thats all we have. Now that the chocolate is all safely tucked in a glass candy dish with a cover, they must be starving!! This whole mouse thing is freaking me right out!! Its so creapy. I am afraid to move anything anywhere in my house..... for fear of finding a little rodent.......uhg. Our home is 105+ years old, therefore bound to have mice.... or so I am told by everyone. I cant believe how many people out there think that having a mouse in the house is normal.... no big deal...... just what happens in the winter in Wisconsin. I can tell you this much, there is gonna be a major decluttering going on in this house this spring!!

Kevin is moving into his own apt on Friday (well with his Dad). Anyone with any extra household things your looking to get rid of, hes your man!! Hes all grown up now.

We didnt do much last weekend as Dave had to work all weekend. I went with my Mom and Chris to see Vi (Toms Mom) in the nursing home on Saturday. Shes doing great. She has a broken leg and is working on her recovery so she can come home.

On Sunday I stayed home all day. We watched the Packers loose to the NY Giants. That wasnt fun. But theres always next year.... GO PACK GO!!

Til next time, take care and stay warm!!

Cindi and family

Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow Day!!!

I just wanted to show you what Jared Olson thinks hes gonna do all day now that Mother Nature gave him a 3 day weekend...... Well I have news for him. I will post pics later or tomorrow of what I have planned for him and he wont be horizontal when he does it let me tell you!!
I am sooooo sick of snow. Its not even pretty anymore. I see Greg is already gone snowmobiling. He just got done working at 5:30 this morning and was gone before Dave and I got up at 6:45 am. Waupaca is working this weekend which means Dave and Greg are working and boy is Greg gonna be tired -- playing all day..... working all night.......NO SLEEP!! Mom doesnt like it when he does that....... I know he's young but he's still my baby.
Mouse Slayer (Dave, my hero) got another one. Thats 2 for Mouse Slayer and 0, Zilch, Nada, Zippo for the TWO cats that rule this house....... Whats wrong with this picture? My friend Penny suggests we stop feeding them, that way they will get the mouse. Thats not gonna happen of course because those 2 little girls RULE THIS HOUSE!! I hope the 2 Slayer got already are the end of them. I refuse to be in that bedroom without him protecting me..... EWWWEEE Gross!!!
I am going to try to participate in an online scrapbooking crop this weekend. It that actually happens, I will post pics next week.
Have a great day!!
Cindi and family

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Theres a mouse in my house!!

Well there was mouse in my house before my fearless mouse slayer (Dr Dave) saved me :) It was in our room eating Daves chocolate stash....ewwwwweeeeee!! And where were the 2 cats that we feed daily and pet on command you ask? Please note above photos. Azia is sitting on a chair under the table, shes kinda old and doesnt even bother to go upstairs anymore and Chyna is on the back of the sofa in her usual spot. She comes upstairs to tell us shes hungry every morning ....... PERHAPS SHE COULD HAVE EATEN THE DANG MOUSE!! The problem here is, we as a family are too good to these 2 little girls!! But we love them so they can stay... but Mickeys relatives have got to go. One down and hopefully no more to go but IF there are more than one in this 105 year old home, my Mouse Slayer will save me :)
Have a great day!!
PS: Thanks Ray for the advice on external speakers for my MP3 Player. I am going to look into that, well I am gonna have your lil bro, Mouse Slayer, or my son Greg figure it out for me!!
PSS: Also please note that I added the photos all by myself as Gregory is sound asleep on the sofa right below Chyna!! It needs a little tweeking (I want the pics in the body of my post, not all at the top) and I am sure Greg will help me with that.... SOMEDAY!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thanks for the MP3 player BUT........

Hello Everyone!!!

My friend Sue and family gave me an MP3 player for Christmas on Sunday. She was gone to the UK (which is where she is originally from) on Christmas so we finally got together on Sunday to have our holiday together (sorry again.... no camera...grrrr-that is so not me at all!!). Anywho, I have been wanting an MP3 player since I started at Lloyd Flanders because I have a hard time getting a radio station to tune in on the radio at my machine. So I came home and immediately wanted Greg to get the music on his computer and put it on my new toy...... well he yapped about needing sleep and going to work 3rd shift at Waupaca and not having time for Mom but promising to do it first thing Monday morning. OK. So I waited and like a good boy he brought his music out and I put some awesome tunes on my new player..... I was excited..... I was gonna listen to Kenny Chesney all night and I was gonna love it........ So I got to work and sat down and got my tunes going and I am just a singing away when I hear "Cindi, whats that in your ear?" It was our fearless leader, Dan. I happily showed off my new gift and said "its an MP3 player" with a huge smile on my face.... I was so proud. Then Dan said "oh NO NO NO, not in here"...... obviously we cant have our hearing obstructed at work :( So its back to the scratchy radio that plays High School basketball games everynight and I dont even like basketball!! Its not just on 1 of our local channels either its on 2 of 3 therefore, I have to pray hard that the last station will be nice and actually tune in for me in that old cement building....

I really do love my new job though :) I will post some pics tomorrow related to Lloyd Flanders!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Herb Garden Anyone????

Hello Everyone!!

Look at that I posted 2 days in a row!! I am turning over a new leaf, you wait and see. You will all know more than u ever wanted to know about the Olson/Block household. It gets interesting thats for sure!!

Anyway........ When I typed that title I knew my friend Sues SO's (significant other), Robert, ears just perked up. I am absolutely positive without a doubt he has all the answers to my needs on this one ....

I want to start and Herb Garden and start using fresh Herbs........ Where do I start? Any suggestions?

Also, I wanted to mention my new job at Lloyd Flanders. I am in the union and off of probation on Saturday January 19th. That will be a relief. That means I am in. I love the job, really I do. I would prefer 1st shift but with overtime, the money is really good and I LOVE TO SEW!! I get scrap fabric that is awesome. I now know how to sew cushions and pillow of many kinds. I will have to take pics and post soon as Greg teaches me how to post house is gonna be full full full of pillows everywhere!!!

Til next time...


Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Kevin And Grandma Demmith!!

Good Morning!!!

Well it was a busy weekend. Kevin turned 19 and Grandma Demmith is now in her 60's as of Saturday January 12, 2008!! Well Grandma just turned 60 but I am trying to get use to saying my Mom is in her 60s. My how time flies!!

We took Grandma out to eat at Brothers 3 along with my sister Chris and her boys. It was fun BUT......

The Olson family (well Dave and Cindi) have decided that Brothers 3 no longer has the best pizza in town....... its different now. Not drastically different but different enough to loose that elite status of "BEST PIZZA IN TOWN". That crown will now go to: (drumroll please)........


Oh My Gosh is it yummy!!! My tastebuds are going crazy just thinking about it!! If u havent tried it and your a pizza person ... like myself.......TRY IT!!

I really dont get to enjoy it as much as I would like because my children (crazy offspring) prefer Dominos or Pizza Hut and they prefer just plain ole CHEESE pizza!! Is that nuts or what? Dr Dave (hes not really a Dr but he plays one at home.....Get ur mind out of the gutter!! I meant he is quick to give us cold meds when we have a cold and a tylenol when we have a headache and so on!!!....... What were u thinking?????) anyway where was I??? Oh yeah........Dr Dave and I prefer atleast sausage and pepperoni on our pizza. Dave also loves fungus but he goes without because his lovely wife cant stomach them....... what a guy!! What are the chances that we would have 4 kids combined and they ALL love just cheese pizza? Scary!!

Anywho...... we took Grandma for pizza and then we had to rush home because in case you hadnt heard........THERE WAS A FOOTBALL GAME ON!!! A very important football game of which the GREEN BAY PACKERS WON!!! Woo hoo. We are pretty excited about that but nervous as well, after all, theres another game this weekend to get thru!!!

Speaking of football games, thats where the birthday boy was.......In GB for the football game. Not actually at the game but in GB with his Dad enjoying the festivities.

SOOOOOOOO we had to celebrate his birthday yesterday (Sunday). I made him a cake and lasagna (his favorite). It was all good. Then he texted me at like 2 am (he was either at work or just getting home from work) and woke my butt up to inform me the cake was yummy and to thank me for Thanks Kev, but honey, maybe next time u can save that message for the morning??? Thanks Sweetie :)

Before Kevs funtime at our house, we went to Sue and Amys for lunch and gift exchange. Robert cooked another yummy meal... thanks to all involved :)

I need to start taking my camera with me places like I use to do. Then I could have photos to share with everyone of all our fun. Look at all the fun (scrapbooking oppurtunities) I missed out on!! We (Dave, Greg, Jared and myself) went out to the Beaudos and went snowmobiling the last weekend after Christmas and if I would have brought my camera I could have had some awesome photos to share with you of that including but not limited to my HUGE, GIGANTIC, EXTREMELY PAINFUL BRUISE I acquired when I fell off the sled of which I was driving with Jared on the back. Dont worry, hes ok!! It took a little persuading to get him back on with me tho... he was gonna walk back to the Beaudos house...HMMMMMM. But I didnt soooo.......just imagine it :)

I could also share my photos of pages as I scrap them. I love love love scrapbooking!!

Well thats enough for today. I will try to update more often and I will have Greg teach his mommy how to put photos in her posts once I start taking photos that is.......

Take Care!!


PS: WILL IT EVER EVER STOP SNOWING?????? I am so sick of snow this year!! Its like when I was a kid snowing all the time but no snow days yet!!!